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Seek ye first... Pastor Glenford Stevens Crusade night #1

Focus text: Matthew 6:25-34

In life we set priorities and goals, we all have things we want to achieve. God reminds us that despite all our best plans our priority should be the kingdom of God. We should seek earnestly after the things of God.

Many of us would love to be able to not worry about life, to be able to trust Jesus Christ wholeheartedly in all aspects of our life, but many times we fall short of this objective.

To be able to do this we must differentiate between the needs of this life and the wants of this life. The needs of this life are few but the wants are plenty and many times the wants are what cause us to worry.

The word of God identifies our true needs in this life and even goes further to tell us that we don't even have to worry about our needs, the things we can’t go without because he provides for them. Yet we add so many things to the want list and worry about them when God is saying we don't even have to worry about our absolute necessities much less our wants. Isn't God amazing!

God sees us as invaluable and more precious than all things in the earth, He promises to provide for our needs and is able to exceedingly above all that. We need not worry about anything because God has everything.

God knows all of our desires no matter what they are and knows exactly when to provide them.


Verse 33 of the focus text speaks to how we must seek after the things of God. We must desire the things of God so intensely and earnestly that it becomes a priority. It should occupy every thought and motivate every move we make.

We must put the things of God first!


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