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Speaker: Deacon Steadman Whyte (10.3.19)

Topic: Finding the Lost (Luke 15:1-10)


  • In the highlighted scripture we see a few parables mentioned, all of them speak to having lost something that is dear to the owner, whether it be a piece of silver or a sheep it was valuable to the owner, so valuable that they sought help from all those around them to find the one item that was lost. Some of us become lost from the faith maybe because of our own actions or maybe because of the actions of others, but no matter what the cause our heavenly father will never stop from seeking us out.

  • Human kind is the most valuable of God’s creation and we should never get to the place where we take our fellow man for granted. Every man is precious and valuable to God.

Matthew 10: 30

And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered

  • The two lost items highlighted in Luke 15 are alike, one may be mere currency and one may be a human life but they are both valuable to their owner. The coin is made in the image of the maker just as man is made in the image of God. Both of these were lost, all of us have been lost at some point in our lives.

Romans 3:23

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

  • The lost coin if left to the elements will suffer damage, so too the longer the lost soul remains in the world it will be damaged, it will be tarnished and suffer. The lost soul left out in the world will not thrive in the way that God intended.

  • In our lives, anything that becomes valuable to us no matter the monetary value, if lost will cause us great sorrow. Likewise, when a child of God falls away from the family of God and turns to live a life contrary to God’s will there is great sorrow.

  • As Christians we should be diligent to seek out the lost. Many times, as the church, we become nonchalant and careless with the souls entrusted in our family, we must never neglect the value of any soul added to this precious family.

  • We must foster an environment that values every soul that is rescued and to encourage others to come home to Jesus.

Challenge: How will you do your part to help rescue the lost?

Scripture References

Luke 15:1-10

Matthew 10:30

Romans 3:23


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