“Seek Ye First..” Pastor Rhoan Wallace Crusade night #3
Focus Text: Matthew 6:25-34
Seeking after the things of God is a daily exercise in focus, it is not a one time activity. When we seek after the things of God we are seeking after the most precious gift- Salvation.
Seeking God’s kingdom should be our ultimate goal. We should not allow ourselves to be distracted from our goal.
The issues of life, our circumstances, our struggles should not allow us to lose sight of our goal.
The word of God in the focus text teaches us not to go after temporary things, things that will not last. Our focus cannot be on fleeting things.
Personally or collectively we go after things that will not last even though JESUS CHRIST tells us not to. If we do this we will not find fulfilment in them.
What are you seeking after today?
What is the priority in your life?
What do you give 1st place in life?
Whatever captures your heart will have your attention. When we turn away from God we will have no contentment or peace even though we may have gotten our worldly wants. We see this time and time again with world famous celebrities who seem to have everything in the world but struggle with so much turmoil that they abuse themselves with drugs many times to the point of death.
When you focus on the temporary things of life you will always doubt almighty God because you will not learn to depend on God.
Only what is invested in God’s kingdom will last. If God is able to provide for the birds of the air and the lilies of the field why is our faith so limited in His ability to sustain us? God is calling us to seek after that which will last and that which has eternal value.
When we talk about the kingdom of God we are referring to the rulership,authority and dominance of almighty God.
When we are seeking after God’s kingdom we are seeking after God himself because no one else can rule God’s kingdom but God. When we talk about God we talk about the one who desires a personal, intimate relationship with every one of us. The kingdom of God is not temporal, it is not ‘meat and drink’, it is much much more, it is joy and peace.
Our thoughts should be set on the things of heaven, on things above where Christ is.
If your faith is not rooted in God then something else will take over our hearts. Make your investment in God’s kingdom and you will never lose out. If we have not been seeking after God and His kingdom while we still have breath 9
we need to repent! turn around! and start to seek after His kingdom.
If we reject the will of God and seek after the things of the world rather than the kingdom of God we cannot inherit his kingdom.
If we decide to “get in a like party” or “get a like sex pon di side”or “ tell a like one lie fi get outa trouble” then the word of God tells us we are in the wrong lane. We are in poor standing with God.
Many of us place money at the top of our worry list. We are concerned about the state of our bank accounts.
Additional Scripture references:
1 Philippians 2:10-11
2 Matthew 6:19-21
3 Revelations 17:14
4 Ephesians 1:19-23