‘Why seek after the kingdom of God?’ Pastor Glenford Stevens Crusade night #5
Focus Text: Matthew 6:25-34
In the focus text Jesus was giving his famous sermon on the mount, his disciples were sure that he was going to establish a physical kingdom and free the Israelites from the oppression they were experiencing. They expected him to restore the prestige of Israel.
As a result they were distraught and dejected when Jesus told them he was going to depart from this earth. Jesus consoled them by reminding them to seek after the heavenly kingdom of God.
Why is it that the kingdom of God is so important?
Why is it the focus of the gospel message?
At the beginning of Jesus’ ministry he taught that the kingdom of God was crucial and at hand.
With all that we should seek after the kingdom of God must be priority.
For many of us seeking after the kingdom of God is last in line despite the fact that the word of God is filled with teachings about the importance of the kingdom of God.
A famous expression known to many is ‘When you try everything and everything fails... try Jesus’ however the more accurate expression is ‘Try Jesus first and you won't need anything else because JESUS NEVER FAILS!’
The kingdom of God is God’s domain, where He reigns, where Jesus Christ is seated on the throne at the right hand of God the father. Jesus should be seated on the throne of our hearts and will be in his rightful place if we are seeking after God’s kingdom.
Jesus teaches us throughout the gospels about the importance of the kingdom of God and how valuable it is.
Until Jesus is king over ALL we can never be rid of the problems we have in this world. Until the king of kings is in charge you will never reach your maximum capacity. Unless God is seated on your heart’s throne you will never fulfil your purpose.
If we are subjects of the kingdom of God then God is the ruler of our lives. Majority of persons profess to be Christians but are really not, others think they can rest under the umbrella of the faith of their mother or grandmother but this is not so. We are all called to individually seek for God.
Every one of us will be judged individually for what we do in this life.
It is really when we obey God’s will that we begin to experience the kingdom of God and what God has in store for us. Life is much more than living for a couple of years and then dying.
After this life there is another life, after the physical has ended that is when life really begins.
Many will unfortunately understand the importance of the kingdom of God only when they hear the trumpets sound at the 2nd coming of Christ, when it is too late to seek after it.
The kingdom of God is important because there is a hell to shun and a heaven to gain .
Your problem or distraction is never too large for God to handle, you never need to seek for outside help.
As children we sang the song ‘He’s got the whole world in his hands....’, just imagine for a second how powerful a message is in those simple words. If our God can hold the whole world in his hands, isn't he able to take care of our tiny problems.
When God comes back he will surely take his church from out of the ‘church’. No matter what label we have placed on ourselves or separation we have created, no matter our organisation or denomination God will take his chosen people unto himself; those who sought after his kingdom.
At some point EVERY knee will bow before God and confess him as Lord, isn't it better to do this willingly rather than by force.
Don’t wait until its too late, learn the value of God’s kingdom NOW!